E-book: The power of knowing your customers

E-book: The power of knowing your customers

Dynamics 365 Customer Voice

Collecting customer feedback is the key to successful business. Customers want you to listen to them and actually act on their feedback. That’s what Dynamics 365 Customer Voice offers. This feedback tool from Microsoft goes much further than just sending and collecting surveys through different channels. The tool also analyzes all collected feedback, provides additional insights through detailed customer experience reports, automates personalized responses, etc.


In this e-book you will read how Dynamics 365 Customer Voice solves the following major challenges:


  • listening to customers on the different and right channels.
  • avoid non-personalized communication.
  • ensure that customer feedback can be shared across the organization.
  • respond to customer feedback at the right time.


>> Download this e-book now. Listen, understand & act!